Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi

Statue of Imam Ahmad in [[Mogadishu]], [[Somalia]] Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (, Harari: አሕመድ ኢብራሂም አል-ጋዚ, ; 21 July 1506 – 10 February 1543) was the Imam of the Adal Sultanate from 1527 to 1543. Commonly named Ahmed ''Gragn'' in Amharic and ''Gurey'' in Somali, both meaning the left-handed, he led the invasion and conquest of Abyssinia from the Sultanate of Adal during the Ethiopian-Adal War. He is often referred to as the "King of Zeila" in medieval texts.

Dubbed "The African Attila" by Orientalist Frederick A. Edwards, Imam Ahmed‘s conquests reached all the way to the borders of the Sultanate of Funj. Imam Ahmed won nearly all his battles against the Ethiopians before 1541 and after his victory at Battle of Amba Sel, the Ethiopian Emperor, Dawit II was never again in a position to offer a pitched battle to his army and was subsequently forced to live as an outlaw constantly hounded by Imam Ahmed's soldiers, the Malassay. Provided by Wikipedia
Published 1769
Other Authors: '; ...Ibn-al-Ǧazzār, Aḥmad Ibn-Ibrāhīm 932-1009...
Published 1806
Other Authors: '; ...Dimyāṭī, Aḥmad Ibn-Ibrāhīm ¬ad...
Other Authors: '; ...Muḥammad Ibn Ḫalīl Ibn Ayyūb Ibn Ibrāhīm Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Ibrāhīm Atamm Ibn Mūsā Ibn Muṣṭafā Ibn Ḫalīl...
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